Category: Datatypes

CLAD 04-40

CLAD 04-40

What is the value in after substring upon completion of the following code?

  1. world!
  2. rld!
  3. h hello world!
  4. <blank>

CLAD 04-34

CLAD 04-34

What is the value in XOR Result after the following code has executed?

  1. 0
  2. 1
  3. True
  4. False

CLAD 02-12

CLAD 01-39

What is the result in new string after the following code has executed?

  1. Hello to you!
  2. Hello Two you!
  3. Hello to you!!
  4. Helloto you!

CLAD 04-29

CLAD 04-29

Variants are used for all of the following except:

  1. Passing values between programs written with different compilers
  2. Allowing software to achieve a greater degree of generality
  3. Representing any data type
  4. Converting from fixed point to floating point data

CLAD 04-08

CLAD 04-08

Which of the following display options are available for strings on the Front Panel?

  1. ‘\’ Codes
  2. Password
  3. Hex
  4. All of the above

CLAD 03-03

CLAD 03-03

Which of the following describes a Tab Control?

  1. A control that outputs ASCII values equal to the selected tab label.
  2. A type of enumerated control.
  3. A control that output a cluster of the controls / indicators on the tabs.
  4. A control that outputs the tab order of the controls on the front panel.

CLAD 04-30

CLAD 04-30

You can use all of the following data types as inputs to the case selector terminal except:

  1. Doubles
  2. Enumerated type values
  3. Integers
  4. Strings

CLAD 01-36

CLAD 01-36

If the value of a is 2 and b is 128, what value does the Result indicator display after the VI executes?

  1. -128
  2. 0
  3. 255
  4. 256

CLAD 01-33

CLAD 01-33

The data type of a Ring can be any of the allowable data types, whereas the numerical representation of the data type of an Enum can only be of unsigned data type

  1. True
  2. False

CLAD 01-29

CLAD 01-29

Which data type is not accepted by the case selector terminal on a case structure?

  1. Arrays
  2. Enumerated type values
  3. Strings
  4. Integers