
A00 - myDAQ Breadboard

Due:  End of Semester Each student in the class will be loaned a breadboard that connects to your myDAQ, a jumper wire kit , some resistors , LEDs , and several sensors and actuators .  These will be used throughout the semester for assignments...

A01 - Tilt Sensor

Video Demonstration Detailed Requirements Measure a horizontal component of acceleration ( or ) on channel /ai0 and the vertical component of acceleration () on channel /ai1 of your myDAQ. You should use the provided subVI called Read Two...

A02 - Temperature Monitor

Create an application that will allow an operator to use a thermistor to measure and display temperature as a function of time. The application should: measure, then correctly convert the voltage across the thermistor to a properly scaled temperature...

A03 - Thermostat

Demonstration Circuit Details   Requirements Create an application that will allow an operator to control the temperature of a small heat plant. The heat plant consists of a 2N3904 NPN transistor and an attached thermistor....

A04 - RPN Calculator

Create a reverse polish notation (RPN) calculator using LabVIEW. In RPN arithmetic the operators follow the arguments on which they they operate. For example to write the expression A sin (k x - ωt ) in RPN one could write k x * ω t * - sin A *...
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