NI Badge Program

Students in this class will have opportunity to use the National Instruments Badge Program to gain recognition for their mastery of the topics including LabVIEW programming and the fundamentals of data acquisition.  The following ten (10) Learning Badges are required and will make up 20% of your grade for the course.  Students will receive 2% credit for each badge passed prior to its associated announced target date and 1% for any badge passed after its target date but before final exam week begins.  Students must email the instructor a link to their personal badge page on prior to the target deadline for a badge in order to receive the full 2% credit since there is no indication of the date the exam was passed on this page.  The due date for each badge exam is listed on the course calendar.

Required Badges

LabVIEW Programming

Taking Physical Measurements

These 10 badges actually consist of only 8 exams since the two top-level badges are awarded automatically when the four sub-badges are completed.  The sub-badges in each group can be taken in any order.  The recommended order, shown above in the lists, is different than the order the badges are presented in the NI materials.  The LabVIEW Programming badge is a pre-requisite to begin the Taking Physical Measurements badge.

Optional Badge

There is an additional badge that you may wish to pursue on your own.  It is not a part of a requirement for PHYS 318 but you should have no problem completing it.  Earners of the LabVIEW Diagnostics badge can open, run, interpret and troubleshoot a wide variety of LabVIEW applications, and have an understanding of LabVIEW Syntax, basic LabVIEW Design patterns and troubleshooting LabVIEW code. This badge is earned by acquiring a set of four (4) required badges, two of which are already included in the above required badges.

LabVIEW Diagnostics

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