The following is a list of projects that will be performed during the Spring 2016 semester of PHYS 318. The name(s) of a faculty member who will serve as the project sponsor are identified first in square brackets followed by student team members.
- I-V Measurement System [Gupta, AlKaabour, Almannaa, Suqair] – This team will make improvements to an existing code base that uses a Keithley 2400 Source Meter to perform a current-voltage characterization on a sample. The existing code was developed in a previous semester and has been used successfully for over a year. Some specific enhancements to the functionality of the software are required including displaying the I vs V data in real time and adding the ability to save a variety of metadata with the current and voltage data in a TDMS format file.
- Thermal Annealing System [Dobrokhotov, Harper, Laurin, Heintzman, Schircliff] – This team will create a project that will measure and log the temperature and pressure of an existing thermal annealing system at the API. Temperature will be measured via two means, a thermocouple, and with an optical pyrometer.
- Power Analyzer [Ashrafzadeh, Brode, Alruwaili, Alyami] – This team will develop a user interface that will control and acquire data from a Power Analyzer that is used in the WKU Energy Systems Laboratory.
- Hall-Effect Measurement System [Dobrokhotov, Harper, Laurin, Johnson, Patterson] – This team will develop an application that will allow an operator to perform a Hall Effect measurement on a sample. A current will be applied to the sample with a Keithly 6220 Precision Current Source. The Hall Voltage will be measured with a Keithley 2182A Nanovoltmeter. A Walker Scientific MG-100 Gaussmeter will be used to measure the magnetic field strength. All of these instruments will communicate with the computer via a GPIB interface.
- JFTA Sound Analyzer [Byrne, Blair, Clark] – This team will develop an application that will measure sound using a high quality microphone, display the results in a joint time-frequency spectrogram, and stream the data to disk using a TDMS format.
- Audio Tuner [Harper, Cazarez, Deel] – This team will develop an application that will continuously measure the output of a microphone, identify the frequency of the strongest tone, and provide an interface that will allow a user to tune a musical instrument.