Author: Doug Harper

Research Award Final Reminder: Apply by March 29

Randall Harper Award for Outstanding Research in Physics and Astronomy The WKU Department of Physics and Astronomy is pleased to announce the Randall Harper Award for Outstanding Undergraduate Research.  Undergraduate students who have been...

Summer REU Opportunity at UT

Summer 2010 Research Opportunity For Undergrads The University of Tennessee-Knoxville Contact:  Dr. Daniel M. Roberts, PhD ( or Opportunity:  Summer Research Experience for Undergraduates Theme:  Sensing and Signaling Dates:  June 7 through July...

Tuesday at 4:30–SPS Meeting

Our apologies for the late announcement, but there is a new meeting time for the SPS monthly meetings! It’s not a typo! We will meet at 4:30 in the SPS’s lounge (TCCW 238) on...

2010 WKU Student Research Conference

This is a reminder that the Fortieth WKU Student Research Conference (formerly the WKU/Sigma Xi Student Research Conference) will be held this Saturday at South Campus from 8:00 AM until 3:00 PM.  Below is...