Author: Doug Harper

WoPHY 2010 Announcement

Some of you attended the WoPHY09 conference last year and we may want to consider sending a group to this year’s conference as well. LASERPALOOZA, the Conference for Undergraduate Women in Physics (WoPHY10), will...

SPS Officers for 2010-2011

The results of the elections for SPS officers were announced at the banquet in the spring but unfortunately never posted here on the web site. So, the officers for the 2010-2011 academic year are:...

2010 Departmental Award Winners

Each year the WKU Department of Physics and Astronomy gives three awards to students who have excelled in the areas of Scholarship, Research, and Service. The oldest of these awards is the George V....

2010 Sigma Pi Sigma Inductees

The following students have been invited to join the WKU Chapter of the national honor society Sigma Pi Sigma.  In order to receive this honor these students had to meet high standards of general...

Meeting Tuesday at 4:30

There will be a regular SPS meeting tomorrow (Tuesday) at 4:30 in TCCW 238. Free pizza will be provided while we update you all on the events coming up in the busy month of...

Picnic Postponed

SPS Members and Faculty: The officers conferred this morning and decided that we would have a much better chance for a good turnout at the picnic if it were postponed until next weekend.  It...