Meeting Minutes 4-5-16
1) The WKU Office of Scholar Development gave a presentation about nationally and internationally competitive scholarships, and what they can do to help students applying for scholarships and grants. More information can be found on their website here.
2) New officers have been elected for the 2016-2017 academic year. Congratulations to Nikola Cvijanovic, who will serve as the new President-Elect, and James Pierce, who will serve as the new Treasurer.
3) The spring picnic is scheduled for Saturday, April 16th from 11:00 – 3:00 at Covington Woods Park. The SPS will provide burgers, hotdogs, chips, and drinks. Please bring a side dish or dessert. There are signup sheets in the SPS room and the physics department office. Please RSVP if you plan on attending.
4) The annual Sigma Pi Sigma Banquet will be held on Friday, April 29th at 6:00 p.m. at Cambridge Market. Department awards will be given out, new Sigma Pi Sigma members will be inducted, and the new officers will be sworn in. If you would like to help with planning this, have a suggestion, or would like more information, please contact one of the officers.
5) Volunteers are needed for the Science Olympiad! Contact Dr. Jason Boyles if you would like to help with this or want more information. Find the website here.
6) The SPS text alert system is now working. Please stop by the SPS room or talk to Trason if you would like to be added to this system.