Meeting Minutes 9-29-16
1) The SPS will tour Oak Ridge National Labs on Friday, October 7th. We will see the Manufacturing Demonstration Facility, the Spallation Neutron Source, the supercomputing facility, the High Flux Isotope Reactor, and the Graphite Reactor.
2) The 2016 SPS Fall Picnic will be on Saturday, October 15th at Covington Woods Park Shelter #1 from 11:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. Everyone is welcome! The SPS will provide burgers, hot dogs, a vegetarian option, chips, and drinks. We ask that everyone bring a side item or dessert. There will be a sign-up sheet in the physics department office and in the SPS room. Please put your name down if you’d like to attend.
3) We’re cleaning out old lockers. If you haven’t already and you would like a locker, please claim one just by putting your name on an empty locker. We will clean out all lockers that haven’t been claimed this semester.
4) The SPS is hosting a “scary” movie party on October 28th (the Friday before Halloween). If you’d like to join in, drop by the SPS room and suggest a movie or vote for other suggested films.
5) We would like to set up visits to talk to local high school physics classes (or younger science classes). If you have contact or connections to a local school, or would like to participate, please let an officer know.
6) We need new designs for the SPS t-shirts for this year. If you are interested, please submit a design (or several) to one of the officers. We would like to have these by the end of October.