Meeting Minutes from 28 February
At this month’s SPS meeting, the club brainstormed these ideas for outreach for physics public nights.
- Club members could take an active role in staring science clubs at local high schools, including nudging teachers toward starting them, or doing demos and becoming more of a part of the science club.
- Whether we use science clubs or not, connection with high schools is very important for the success of the public nights.
- We will contact Rachel Campbell and current planetarium staff members to ask about public relations.
- We could contact the Bowling Green Chamber of Commerce and the WKU SGA.
- We could advertise on WKU’s campus radio station and news shows.
- We will explore the possibility of doing a demonstration on Bowling Green’s morning shows.
The trip to NRAO generated too little interest for the cost of the trip, so President Jason Leszcsewicz will discuss the possibility of a trip to Oak Ridge National Laboratory with Dr. Kintzel. The NRAO trip is still a possibility for the fall semester of 2013.
We have an opportunity to do a demonstration at Lincoln Elementary School during a school day; Jason and President-Elect Jessica Hall were available during the open times to go. The exact date and time are still to be determined.
On March 16, there is a meeting at Elizabethtown Community College of Kentucky Physics Educators. Those interested in attending (SKy-Teach students should consider) are encouraged to contact Dr. Andrew.
The SPS picnic has been moved to April 6, and will be at Keriakes Park. The SPS banquet is scheduled for the last Friday of classes; the time will be set as the date approaches.
I look forward to seeing everyone at the next meeting on March 28.
Jamey Yadon, Secretary