Minutes 11/1/11
- There is a trip to Vanderbilt on Saturday, November 12 to tour the medical physics facilities and possibly talk to people from the graduate physics department. More information is on its way! It’ll be a lot of fun and be very informative. If you want more information email or talk to Jessica Hall.
- There will be a Physics Phun Night on Friday November 18th please write on the boards in the SPS if you have any suggestion or comments. We want you to be involved and we want to know what you want to do! The current theme ideas are Disney or Dr. Who, maybe just TV characters in general.
- If you’re not in the SPS facebook group join! It’s a great way to communicate with each other and to coordinate events or even just share science humor.
- The Campbells have brought a tradition of making Christmas crackers (small packages that candy and other goodies fall out of for the Christmas banquet which is the “dead” day of finals week). In order to make these we need toilet paper rolls or paper towel rolls so please save them and bring them in to the SPS room.
- The Monday or Tuesday before Thanksgiving break there will be thanksgiving food set up in the SPS room, please bring food or contribute to the turkey fund that Sharon will have in the office. Thank you!
- KAS is this weekend, good luck to everyone presenting. There are a lot of conferences all over the country, they look great on resumes and are a lot of fun. Please consider going to one especially if you’ve never been! If you aren’t doing research start asking around to professors or go talk to Dr. Andrews. There is a lot of interesting research going on in the department.
- Dr. Thomas Olsen, Assistant Director, SPS National Office + Sigma Pi Sigma is coming tomorrow November 2, 2011. Come by and talk to him, have lunch with him, come listen to his talk at 2 PM!