Novikov : Research
Current Projects:
Publication list is available at my Google scholar profile or at Research Gate
List of projects for new Undergraduate and Gatton Academy students:
We are always looking for new students to work with us. Below is the list of projects you can immediately contribute to. I believe that as a result you will be able to present at the KY Academy of Science Annual Meeting , Southeast Section of APS meeting , Poster at the Capitol event and other appropriate conferences.
Damped driven harmonic oscillator
We have a modified experimental setup by PASCO which can be used to experimentally measure bifurcations . We are looking for a student(s) who would be interested in taking and analyze data.
What you will learn: Classical mechanics, Python programming, data analysis techniques
Requirements: time (crucial), University Physics I or equivalent (desired)
Rolling Can Experiment:
Use of Deep Learning (DL) technique for particle track classification:
We use existing Cloud Chamber to observe particle tracks and build DL algorithm to classified particle tracks
Various groups are developing a similar approach for a particle classification for various High Energy Physics experiments.
What you will learn: Nuclear and particle physics, Python programming, DL data analysis techniques
Requirements: time (crucial), some background in programming (desired), Modern Physics or equivalent (desired)
Computations with GPU :
We are looking for student to learn CUDA C to implement various algorithms on NVIDIA 1080Ti GPU or at WKU HPCC
What you will learn: CUDA C/C++ programming, Monte Carlo technique
Requirements: time (crucial), some background in programming (crucial), background in C or C++ (desired)