First SPS Meeting This Friday (08/23/2024)
Good Morning, The first SPS meeting of the semester will be this Friday at 3:00 PM in KTH 2038. This first meeting is a great opportunity to reconnect after the break and meet any...
Good Morning, The first SPS meeting of the semester will be this Friday at 3:00 PM in KTH 2038. This first meeting is a great opportunity to reconnect after the break and meet any...
Dear Friends, This is a friendly reminder to sign up for Friday’s Sigma Pi Sigma banquet on the sheet in the department main office, or phone 270-745-4357 if you cannot come to the office...
Good morning, SPS officer elections for treasurer and secretary are currently ongoing in the SPS room in the voting box. If you have not yet voted, you have until tomorrow at 4:30 PM to...
Dear Friends, You are cordially invited to attend the 64th Anniversary WKU Sigma Pi Sigma banquet at 6:00pm on Friday, April 26th, in the Downing Student Union “Nite Class” room on WKU’s main campus...
Dear Friends and Colleagues, The Department of Physics and Astronomy is excited to announce a special colloquium. At 4:00pm CDT on Monday, April 15, Dr. Kristine Palmieri (PhD in history, 2022, University of Chicago)...
SPS met today and discussed the following: The SPS Picnic is tomorrow from 11:00 AM-4:00 PM at Preston Miller Park. Food and drinks are provided! White Squirrel Art Festival is next Saturday, April 20,...
Dear Friends, This is a quick reminder that the SPS is hosting its annual spring picnic tomorrow at Preston Miller Park, Shelter #1, from 11:00 AM – 4:00 PM. There is a sign-up sheet...
Good afternoon, Today SPS will be hosting a club meeting at 3:45 PM in KTH 2038. Pizza and drinks will be provided. We will be discussing tomorrow’s SPS Picnic and the upcoming SPS Banquet...
Good afternoon, The SPS Spring Picnic will be this Saturday, April 13th, from 11:00 AM – 4:00 PM at Preston Miller Park Shelter #1. Students planning on attending the picnic should sign up using...
If you are a physics major who has completed or is currently taking PHYS 321 and are working on a research project, please consider submitting an application for the Randall Harper Research Award. Hopefully...