Category: Announcement

Sigma Pi Sigma Celebration

Hello friends, Just another friendly reminder that we have a 100 Years of Sigma Pi Sigma Celebration at 4:00 pm in KTH 2038 tonight. We hope to see you all there!

Goldwater scholarship informational meeting

Dear Students, For those interested in applying for a Barry M. Goldwater Scholarship, there will be an informational meeting and Q&A session tomorrow, Tuesday, November 2, from 6:30-8:30pm in the Mahurin Honors College and...

Ogden College Fall 2021 STEM Job Fair

Ogden College will host a Fall 2021 STEM Job Fair next Wednesday, October 27th in EBS from 11am to 2pm.  A tentative list of employers that will attend is shown below. Bendix Commercial Vehicle Systems...

Halloween Event Fixed Link

Hello everyone, I just wanted to let you know that I fixed the survey link, for those who had an issue completing the movie night survey. Please go to the following link! We would...

Meeting Reminder

Hello friends, Just a reminder that we have a meeting at 5:30 pm tomorrow night outside of KTH, and then we will move up to KTH 2038 for a game night. There will be...

Halloween Movie Night

Hello friends, We are having a Halloween Movie Night on October 28th. Please fill out the survey at to help determine the movie, location, and time for the event. We hope you can...

2021 Fall Picnic tomorrow

Dear Friends, It has been far too long since our department has gotten together for a proper social event as a group.  Tomorrow the Society of Physics Students is hosting our first Fall Picnic...