Category: Announcement


Hey all, I know I sent a reminder on Tuesday, so I apologize for bombarding you with emails, but please remember that there is a chapter meeting this Friday, March 11 (tomorrow) at 3:00...

SPS Meeting and Spring Break Trip

Hey all, Just a reminder that there’s a chapter meeting this Friday at 3 pm. We will discuss more about SKY-Sci Fest, out reach, and more about the trip. Please come, there will be...

REU in Computational Sciences at Louisiana State University

Here is an announcement of an REU opportunity at LSU… ***************************************************************************** CCT REU: Interdisciplinary Research Experience in Computational Sciences ***************************************************************************** The Center for Computation & Technology (CCT) will host a ten week Research...

Reminder: Volunteers Needed for Physics Olympics

Hello everyone,  WKU’s Physics and Astronomy Department hosts the annual Western Kentucky Physics Olympics on Saturday, February 19.  This year’s theme is Physical Connections.  The description of the events and the schedule can be...

summer internship opportunities

Dear Students, Greetings to all of you as we begin a new semester.  I wanted to make sure everyone was aware of the large number of summer internship opportunities that are available, and for...