Category: Announcement

Summer Internships

Dear Students, Happy January!  I hope you all had a good winter break and are getting off to a good start for the spring semester.  In case some of you don’t know that it’s...

SPS and HAC Gift Exchange

Good morning everyone, I hope everyone is ready for finals week. Just a reminder that today at 3:00 p.m. is the gift exchange for SPS and HAC members. Anyone who brings a gift will...

Game Night and HAC Movie Night

Good morning everyone, I hope you all have had a good week. Just a reminder that today is SPS Game Night from 3-5 p.m. Following game night will be the HAC movie night from...

Game Night

Good afternoon everyone. A reminder that this Friday at 3:00 p.m. will be our Game Night. We will set up games and food in the SPS lounge and room 2038. We typically have ping...

fall picnic reminder

Greetings All, This is one more friendly reminder that the SPS is hosting its annual fall picnic this Sunday, October 23, from 3:00-7:00pm in Shelter 1 of Covington Woods Park.   Please find a way...

SPS Meeting Reminder

Good afternoon everyone, I hope you’re having a great week. Just a reminder that this Friday at 3:00pm will be an SPS meeting. We will discuss what design will be on the back of...

FUSE, Grad School Shopper, and Fellowships

Dear Students, Here are a few items of interest for anyone doing research or considering graduate school in the future. Faculty-Undergraduate Student Engagement (FUSE) grant applications for Spring 2023 are now available.  Student applications...

upcoming conferences

Dear Students, As you may know, there are a number of conferences coming up soon where you can learn about new and exciting research in your field, network with your peers at other institutions,...

SPS Meeting Today

Good morning everyone, just a reminder that today is the first SPS meeting. As said before, the meeting will be in 2038 KTH at 3:00. This meeting will act as an introduction to new...

First SPS Meeting

Good afternoon everyone, just a quick reminder that the first SPS meeting will be this Friday at 3:00pm in room 2038 at KTH. This meeting will be an introduction for old and new SPS...