Category: Announcement

Monday colloquium

Dear Friends and Colleagues, The Department of Physics and Astronomy is excited to announce a special colloquium. At 4:00pm CDT on Monday, April 15, Dr. Kristine Palmieri (PhD in history, 2022, University of Chicago)...

spring picnic tomorrow

Dear Friends, This is a quick reminder that the SPS is hosting its annual spring picnic tomorrow at Preston Miller Park, Shelter #1, from 11:00 AM – 4:00 PM.  There is a sign-up sheet...

SPS Picnic on April 13th

Good afternoon, The SPS Spring Picnic will be this Saturday, April 13th, from 11:00 AM – 4:00 PM at Preston Miller Park Shelter #1. Students planning on attending the picnic should sign up using...

REU in Computational Physics

***************************************************************************** CCT REU: Interdisciplinary Research Experience in Computational Sciences ***************************************************************************** The Center for Computation & Technology (CCT) will host a ten week Research Experiences for Undergraduates (REU) program where students work collaboratively...

Physics Olympics — More Volunteer Opportunities

Dear Faculty, Students, and Staff, If you have not yet volunteered to help with Saturday’s Physics Olympics, there’s still time!  Dr. Terzic, who is coordinating the day’s activities, writes: We now have eight confirmed...

Physics Olympics – Volunteers Needed

Dear Students, Faculty, and Staff, This is a reminder that volunteers are still needed for the Physics Olympics.    WKU’s Physics and Astronomy Department will host its annual Western Kentucky Physics Olympics on Saturday, February 24th.  This year’s theme...

SPS Meeting This Friday

Good afternoon, The first SPS meeting of the semester will be this Friday in KTH 2038 at 3:45 PM. Pizza and drinks will be provided as usual. See you all then, Travis

Halloween Party

Hello all, This a reminder that the SPS, WiP, and HAC will be hosting a Halloween costume party tonight at 5:00 PM in KTH 2038. Pizza, snacks, and drinks will be provided and we...