Category: Announcement

Sps Meeting Reminder

Dear Friends, This is a  reminder that we will be having a WKU Society of Physics Students chapter meeting tomorrow, September 18th at 2:00pm in OCH 1006.  For those unable to attend in person,...

SPS Meeting Reminder

Dear Friends, This is a quick reminder that the first WKU Society of Physics Students chapter meeting of the new year is today at 2:00pm in OCH 1006.  For those unable to attend in...

2020 Student Recognition

Dear Friends, It is with great pleasure that we take a moment here at the end of an incredibly busy and challenging semester to recognize prominent achievements of a number of students in the...

Ogden Career Fair

The Ogden Career Fair is tomorrow from 11am – 2pm in Snell Hall, EBS, and EST.  A total of 35 employers (see list) will be on hand to recruit for open internships and full-time...

CCT REU: Interdisciplinary Research Experience in Computational Sciences

***************************************************************************** ***************************************************************************** The Center for Computation & Technology (CCT) hosts a ten week Research Experiences for Undergraduates (REU) program where students work collaboratively on a wide variety of computational science projects. Each student...

REU Internship Opportunities

Dear Students, Happy 2020!  I hope you all enjoyed a good winter break and are getting ready to rejoin us here at WKU for the spring semester.  Before that happens, I wanted to make...

Rutgers astrophysics

The astrophysics graduate program at Rutgers University is looking for promising students to recruit.  They have recently hired two new faculty to broaden their research breadth, which includes cosmology, dark matter, dark energy, galaxy...

Meeting Reminder

Hey all SPS Members, Just reminding you that we have a meeting tomorrow, 10/22/2019, at 5:30 PM in the SPS room.  Hope to see you there! Also, make sure to come to the SPS...