Category: Announcement


Hey all, I hope you’re all well! Just a quick message from Jordyn about a WiP group being started at WKU: “Hi everybody! I hope you have had a great start to your semester!...

Meeting Reminder

Hello Everyone, This is a reminder that we will be having a SPS meeting on February 5th at 3:00 P.M. in the OCH auditorium or OCH 1006. We will be discussing t-shirt ideas and...

SPS meeting clarification

Hi Everyone, Please disregard the previous two announcements about meeting “today”.  These were posted yesterday (Thursday) but did not go out as email at that time, due to a configuration issue.  This has just...

Meeting Reminder

Hello Everyone, We apologize for the late notice, but we are having a chapter meeting today at 3 pm in the Ogden Auditorium to discuss future activities this semester and to play some Smash...

Meeting Notification

Hello Everyone, We apologize for the late notice, but we are having a chapter meeting today at 3 pm in the Ogden Auditorium to discuss future activities this semester and to play some Smash...

Meeting Reminder for 12/4/2020

Hey friends, I just wanted to remind you all that the WKU SPS chapter is having our last meeting of the semester this Friday, December 4th at 2 pm central time. The meeting will...

Movie Night (Picnic Replacement)

Hello friends, Considering the events of this year, the Society of Physics Students looked for an alternative to the fall picnic. We decided to hold a movie night on Saturday, October 31st. As with...

SPS Meeting Reminder

Hello all, This is just a reminder that we are having a meeting for WKU’s Society of Physics Students chapter this Friday, October 16th at 2:00pm in OCH 1006. We will be discussing our...

SPS meeting reminder

Hello everyone, This is just a reminder that we are having a meeting for WKU’s Society of Physics Students chapter this Friday, October 2nd at 2:00pm in OCH 1006.  We will be discussing some...