Author: Doug Harper

Zone 8 Meeting Deadline Extended

The registration deadline has been extended until midnight Friday, October 17, for the Fall 2014 SPS Zone 8 meeting at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign on the weekend of Oct 31 – Nov...

TeachSpin Undergraduate Internships

TeachSpin Instruments is offering undergraduate internships for the upcoming winter term and the summer of 2015.  Physics majors who have completed at least two years of their program at a US institution are invited...

Conferences for Undergraduate Women in Physics

The American Physical Society is sponsoring eight Conferences for Undergraduate Women in Physics early next year.  All are being held in parallel at different locations around the U.S. on the weekend of January 16-18,...

Career Opportunities at Air Force Research Laboratory

The Information Directorate of the Air Force Research Laboratory (AFRL) is looking for outstanding researchers to address cutting-edge computing and communications problems vital to the nation’s security. AFRL is a basic and applied research...


Today we had our first SPS meeting of the Fall 2014 semester. 1. Jelly Bean Universe Raffle At the start of the meeting we announced the winner of our MASTER Plan jelly bean universe...

Physics Employers by State

The Statistical Research Center of the American Institute of Physics has just posted a database of organizations hiring physicists with bachelor degrees for each state in the U.S.: The SRC website has a...

2014 Departmental Award Winners

Each year the WKU Department of Physics and Astronomy recognizes three students who have excelled in areas of scholarship, research, and service.  The recipients of these awards for the 2013-2014 academic year are Jamey...


1) The science olympiad is this saturday. If anyone is interested please contact Dr. Gelderman ASAP at richard [dot] gelderman [at] WKU [dot] edu. We are still in need of assistance for some of...

Outreach at Lincoln Elementary

My neighbor is a teacher at Lincoln Elementary School in Franklin, KY. Last year two SPS members visited her school to talk about physics to a very enthusiastic group of 3rd and 4th grade...


1) We will be holding officer elections soon. Please cast your votes in the SPS room. Please nominate yourself or someone you would like to see as an officer for each officer position. The...