Author: Doug Harper

Election for President Elect

The new by-laws are officially in place with a unanimous vote in favor of them. This also means that the SPS is in need of  a president elect. An election for president elect for...

Vote on New By-Laws

All student members of the SPS need to stop by the main office and vote on the new by-laws. Voting is open now through Friday at noon. If you vote to keep them, please...

Physics Olympics Volunteers Needed

Each year we host the Western Kentucky Physics Olympics where area high schools send teams of four students each to compete in a variety of physics related competitions.  This  year’s event is this Saturday,...

Bowl for Kids’ Sake

Any one interested in participating in Bowl for Kids’ Sake needs to contact me (, leave a comment on this post, or write your name on the SPS chalk board by Friday 3:00. Please...

Terry Wilcutt Lecture

On Thursday, February 18th, at 2:20 pm in SH 2113, we are very lucky to have WKU alumnus and former NASA astronaut Terry Wilcutt visiting to give a lecture and answer questions on the...

Minutes from February 10th meeting

Went over Bylaws (within next week vote on bylaws and nominate president-elect) New SPS Website (sign up) The physics Olympics will be held on February 20th SPS Elections-April 1st for a week (New President-Elect,...

2009 Argonne Research Symposium

Each year the WKU Department of Physics and Astronomy and the Society of Physics Students sponsor a trip to the annual Argonne Undergraduate Research Symposium in Science, Engineering, and Mathematics held at the Argonne...


WoPHY09: Conference for Undergraduate Women in Physics The University of Nebraska – Lincoln brought together outstanding undergraduate researchers in Physics for a three-day conference, from Friday, October 30th through Sunday, November 1st, 2009. This...

Spring 2010 Picnic Dates Selected

We have selected dates and made reservations for the Spring 2010 Picnic.  Please mark your calendars now and plan to join us for the picnic.  We will have burgers cooked at the picnic and...