Author: Doug Harper

SPS Meeting Jan 27th Minutes

SPS Meeting Jan 27th Public Nights -Rachel Campbell needs volunteers; faculty and students -Dates: Feb 23, March 23, April 27 Astrobiology Talk -Dr. McGruder is looking into getting credit for the course -This is...

SPS Meeting THURSDAY Jan 27th

Hello all! We have a meeting this Thursday at 5:00pm. We will discuss such interesting and intriguing topics like the banquet and how you should be there, the picnic (if you didn’t go last...

SPS Officers Meeting Jan. 26th

Officer Meeting January 25th SPS Meeting Times: Thursdays at 5:00pm January 27th February 17th March 17th April 21st Banquet- tradition; interest loss; invite Special Speaker?; recognizes new sigma pi sigma members Possible Places: Train...

WKU NOVA Center $1000 Student Scholarship

An undergraduate tuition scholarship of $1000 is being offered for the spring 2011 semester. To qualify for this scholarship opportunity, you must be a full-time matriculated student at Western Kentucky University who’s Major is...

Register for WKU Student Research Conference

41st Annual WKU Student Research Conference Saturday, March 26, 2011 Gary Ransdell Hall 8:00 A.M. to 6:00 P.M. Guest speakers: 1. Dr. Elizabeth Chiseri-Strater, Professor, The University of North Carolina, Greensboro, Department of English,...

2011 AAPM Summer Undergraduate Research Program

The American Association of Physicists in Medicine (AAPM) Summer Undergraduate Fellowship is a program designed to provide opportunities for undergraduate university students to gain exposure to and experience in medical physics by performing research...

Graduate Program at University of Hawaii at Manoa

The Department of Physics and Astronomy at the University of Hawaii at Manoa invites you to apply to its physics graduate program. Current Research Areas: High Energy Physics Experiment High Energy Physics Theory Free-Electron...

SPS Shirts

Hello all! I’m sorry for the late notice, but the SPS shirts have arrived! They will be available tomorrow in the office or the Astronomy lab (depending on when you come to pick up...

Last SPS meeting TOMORROW!

Hello everyone! I’m sorry for such a late notice, but the final SPS meeting of the semester is tomorrow, Thursday Dec.2, at 5:00pm. As usual, there will be pizza. On the agenda: Christmas Banquet...