Ogden Career Fair
Elizabeth Heller, Assistant Director at the WKU Career Services Center, wishes to announce that the Ogden College of Science & Engineering Career Fair is scheduled for 10:00am – 1:00pm on Wednesday, February 15. To...
Elizabeth Heller, Assistant Director at the WKU Career Services Center, wishes to announce that the Ogden College of Science & Engineering Career Fair is scheduled for 10:00am – 1:00pm on Wednesday, February 15. To...
Looking for an internship or post graduate opportunity at Oak Ridge National Laboratory? The Science Education Programs at Oak Ridge National Laboratory provides paid opportunities for undergraduates, grad students, recent graduates, and faculty to...
There is a trip to Vanderbilt University’s Medical Physics Department this Saturday. We want as many people to come as possible, so if you haven’t signed up contact Jessica Hall ASAP please. We are...
Hey guys! Here’s a list of conferences…as promised. If you don’t have research to present it’s fine…we will find you some. There’s a ton of things you can present…the opportunities are there waiting for...
Speaker: Dr. Thomas Olsen, Assistant Director, SPS National Office + Sigma Pi Sigma (formerly Physics Chair at Lewis & Clark College) Time + Place: 2:00pm Wednesday, November 2, in TCCW 201 Abstract: Only a...
Next Wednesday, November 2nd, Dr. Thomas Olsen, Assistant Director at the SPS National Office, will be visiting the Department to speak to students about SPS opportunities and careers in physics and to give a...
The Department of Energy (DOE) Scholars Program is accepting applications for 2012 summer internships. The application deadline is November 15. Further details are available at http://orise.orau.gov/doescholars.
Soldering Class DATE: THURSDAY NOV 3rd, 2011 LOCATION: Engineering & Biological Science Building (EBS) room 2142 TIME: 5:30pm to 6:00pm This class is offered and taught by WKU Electrical Engineering seniors, and will include...
Fellowships aimed for broadening the participation of underrepresented groups •GEM Foundation (typically due ~Oct 1 for early consideration, Nov 15 otherwise): http://www.gemfellowship.org/ •Ford Foundation Pre-doctorial Fellowships (typically due ~Nov 1): http://sites.nationalacademies.org/pga/fordfellowships/ •National Physical Science...