Author: Doug Harper


The Southeastern Association for Research in Astronomy is hosting an NSF REU program in the summer of 2012. Each SARA intern will work closely with a faculty mentor at one of the 10 SARA...

Idaho State REU

The Idaho State University Research Experiences for Undergraduates (REU) Summer Program in Nuclear Physics, Radiobiology, Chemistry, Anthropology, and Nuclear Engineering is soliciting applications, which are due February 1st. Successful applicants will work with faculty...

NRC fellowships

The National Research Council of the National Academies sponsors awards for graduate, postdoctoral and senior researchers at participating federal laboratories and affiliated institutions.  Entry-level graduate stipends begin at $30,000. These awards provide the opportunity...

AAPM summer undergraduate fellowships

The American Association of Physicists in Medicine (AAPM) has a Summer Undergraduate Fellowship program that provides research experience in a medical physics laboratory or a clinical facility under the mentorship of a qualified medical...

Sandra Faber Meeting with Undergraduates at AAS

The SPS is sponsoring an “Evening of Astronomy” for all undergraduates attending next month’s  AAS Meeting in Austin on Tuesday night, January 10, from 6:30 until 8:00 PM in Room 9. Noted astrophysicist Sandra...


For those students (and others!) with an interest in astronomy and astrophysics, the Astrobites website ( provides daily summaries of recent journal publications and preprints, written at a level designed to be accessible to...

1st Annual KY Nanotechnology Symposium

1st Annual KY Nanotechnology Symposium March 30-31, 2012 Carroll Knicely Center, Bowling Green KY, 42101 Early Registration Fees (By February 29, 2012): Regular Registration for Professionals: $95 Regular Student Registration: $25 Late Registration Fees...

Minutes 12/7/11

We discussed plans for the Physics Phun Night (12/9/2011).  This Physics Phun night will be a breakfast/dinner.  There will be board games, a movie, food and fun.It will start at 7:00 PM. Will talk...

Internships at Arecibo, ORNL, Michigan State, and CERN

Several internship opportinities have been recently announced.  Please follow the links for more information. Arecibo Observatory in Puerto Rico: Oak Ridge National Laboratory: Michigan State University: CERN via the University of...