Author: Doug Harper

2012 Departmental Award Winners

Each year the WKU Department of Physics and Astronomy recognizes three students who have excelled in areas of scholarship, research, and service.  The recipients of these awards for the 2011-2012 academic year are Suzanna...

Applications Open for Randall Harper Research Award

Applications are open for students wishing to be considered for the Randall Harper Award for Outstanding Undergraduate Research.  WKU students involved in research in physics or astronomy are strongly encouraged to apply.  The deadline...

Minutes 3/12/12

Minutes 3/12/12 The date for the Spring SPS Picnic has been set to the 7th of April.  More details will be available soon. The banquet date was set to May 4th.  Cambridge market is...

Ogden Career Fair Reminder

Tomorrow (Wednesday, February 15) is the Ogden College Career Fair, as noted previously.  The fair will run from 10:00am to 1:00pm.  Employers will set up in 3 locations: EST 2nd floor, Snell 1st floor...

Minutes 2/6/12

Minutes 2/6/12 The SPS is taking a trip to Huntsville to take a tour of the space center.  The dates are the 24th and 25th of February.  Transportation and lodging will be provided to...

University of Vermont REU

The University of Vermont is soliciting applications for its summer REU program on Complex Materials.  The stipend is $5000.  Applications are due April 6.  For more information, see .

BRIMS needs your help!

The Barren River Imaginative Museum of Science is moving from Center Street to a new location in Greenwood Mall, and they need volunteers to help paint and repair exhibits prior to the move, or...

UK REU – Engineered Bioactive Interfaces + Devices

The University of Kentucky is currently accepting applications for it’s Research Experience for Undergraduates in Engineered Bioactive Interfaces and Devices.  Additional information is on the web at  Application deadline is March 2.