UAH Summer REU in Heliophysics
The heliophysics research group at the University of Alabama in Huntsville (UAH) invites applications for a Summer Research Experience for Undergraduates program. Ten students will be selected to engage in cutting edge heliophysics research with astrophysicists from either UAH or NASA Marshall Space Flight Center. Research projects in this program include theory, modeling, computer simulations, data analysis and instrument design. Applicants should be full-time, undergraduate students with a GPA of 2.5 or better and majoring in science, technology, engineering, or mathematical (STEM) fields. Students must be US citizens or green card holders in order to be considered for this program. Rising sophomores, women and minorities are encouraged to apply.
The 2013 summer program will run from May 20 – July 26, 2013. Successful applicants will receive a stipend, housing, meal card, and travel allowance. Application must be complete by March 30,2013. For more information and on-line applications, please visit the website at .