Meeting Minutes for 9/6
- Introduced the officers, Suzanna Sadler: President, Jason Leszczewicz: President-Elect, Jessica Hall: Secretary, Tara Wink: Treasurer
- Benefits of SPS membership: registration to Argonne and other events like it, access to the SPS lounge & locker, subscription to a physics magazine, free admission to picnics and banquet, study sessions, homework help, and community.
- A physics fun night is planned for next Friday night, 9/16/11 at 8 PM. It’s going to be Game Night, so bring your best!
- Wednesday Sept 28th the SPS is hosting the Physics Public night. Members of the SPS need to come to help out, get to TCCW around 6:45. Will be launching glowing water balloons with the trebuchet.
- Sign-ups for 1 or 2 people to go to the high school to talk about physics and demonstrate the trebuchet with Jason. Monday, Sept 12 5:30 to 7pm.
- Going the Argonne is encouraged; deadline for abstract submission is Friday Sept. 9. At Argonne student gives a 10 minute talk and spends the day in Chicago.
- Members of the SPS are entitled a locker. Once you join, claim a locker and put a lock on it. If you already have a locker, please make sure that the lock is not marked to be cut off.
- Access to SPS room is available. If a student wants access, email Jason your name and 800 number
- There will be food for purchase in the food lockers. Use suggestion box for food and drink requests.
- The SPS board outside the SPS room will have information, so check it when possible.
- If you are not on the mailing list email an officer or Dr. Gibson to get added.
- GRE study sessions! If you plan on taking the physics GRE, it’s never too late to start studying! If you would like to be a part of a study group, use the suggestion box or email one of the officers!
- We are planning a Thanksgiving potluck closer to Thanksgiving and a Christmas celebration.
- There will be an SPS picnic sometime in October and sometime in the spring. There is also a banquet at the end of the year. If you have preferred dates for these, please use the suggestion box.
The officers are really looking forward to this year and we hope that we can make this a club you are happy to be a part of.