Navy meeting today– Visit of Dr. Dan Prono and Capt. Mark Stoffel
7.30 a.m. Dr. Dobrokhotov meets the guests at the WKU planetarium and escorts them to the parking lot. After that Dr. Dobrokhotov escorts the guests to the conference room of Engineering & Biological Sciences building EBS 2134.
Meeting at EBS 2134:
8 – 8.30 a.m. WKU vice-president for research Gordon Baylis
8.30 – 9.00 a.m. Dr. Blaine Ferrel and Dr. Bruce Kessler (Dean’s Office of Ogden College of Science and Engineering)
9.00-9.15 am Dr. Alexander Barzilov (director of the Applied Physics Institute).
9.15-9.30 am Dr. Phillip Womble (Cyber Defense Laboratory).
9.30-10.30 am Dr. Dan Prono and Capt. Mark Stoffel (Office of Naval Research)
10.30-11.00 facilitated discussions
11.00-12.30 lunch
12.30-1.00 tour to Dr. Dobrokhotov’s lab
1.00-2.00 tour to the Applied Physics Institute and the Cyber Defense Laboratory (Dr. Dobrokhotov, Dr. Barzilov, and Dr. Womble)
2.00 Dr. Dobrokhotov escorts the guests to the parking lot