Current Group Members

Graduate Students:

Saidjafarzida Ilhom: Ilhom  got his BSc from METU. He is currently working on pulsed laser deposition of nanomaterials.

Khomidkhodza Kholikov: Mr Kholikov is from Tajikistan and he got his BSc from Fatih University. He is currently working on photodeactivation of pathogenic bacteria using biomaterials.

Kolton Jones: Kolton received his BSc degree in physics from WKU and he is currently working on pulsed laser deposition of semiconductors.

Dovletgeldi Seyitliyev: Dovletgeldi is from Turkmenistan and received his BSc degree in physics from Istanbul University and he is currently conducting research on hydrogen generation from fossil fuels.

Undergraduate Researchers:

Parker Graff:  Parker is a Gatton Academy senior helping with the shape-memory alloy project. He is from Campbell County.

Zachary Thomas: Zack is pursuing a bachelors in Physics, and previously studied at University of Louisville. Originally from Louisville, KY.

Trason Carter: Trason is from Centertown, KY and is studying physics, mechanical engineering, and mathematics at WKU. He is the president of the Society of Physics Students. He is working on thin film production using PLD.

Byron Grant: Byron is an undergraduate student studying Physics and Mathematics at Western Kentucky University. Originally from South Africa, he now lives in Nashville, Tennessee. He is working on shape memory alloys and hydrogen production from coal.

Kaley Deichstetter: Kaley is studying chemistry and pursing a career in pharmacy. She is also a member of Alpha Delta Pi and the secretary of the pre-pharmacy club.

Visiting Scholar:

Orhan Alal