Physics 130 - Acoustics of Music and Speech

Fall 2009, MWF 10:20-11:15, TCCW236


Instructor: Dr. Ting-Hui Lee

Office: TCCW 215

Phone: 745-6472


Office hours: W 3:00pm – 5:00pm or by appointment


Course description: This course is designed to introduce the physics of sound and music.  It will begin with an introduction to sound, including how it is produced, propagated and perceived.  Then we will talk about different musical instruments.  The instruments covered in the second half of the course will depend on the interest of the class. This course will address General Education Goal: an understanding of the scientific method and a knowledge of natural science and its relevance in our lives.


Textbook:  Musical Acoustics by Don Hall, Brooks/Cole


Class policy: Your regular attendance is expected.  Please turn off your cell phones and electronic devices during the class period, and talk only when your are participating in class discussion. Research shows that discussing with your peers is a valuable means of developing good understanding.  In many classes we will have activities where you will work out problems with other students.  These activities will be used to evaluate your participation.  Your attendance and full participation at each class period will be an essential component of your success in the class.


Reading and Assignments:  It is a good idea to read the relevant material before you come in to the class.  To encourage you to keep up with the course material, homework assignments will be given on a weekly basis.  You are required to read the relevant text before working on the assignment.  All work turned in for grading must be neat and legible.  If you miss the due date, you can still turn in the assignment within a week.  However, late assignments turned in during this period will receive a 30% penalty.  No late assignments will be accepted more than one week past the due date.


Grading:   Exam #1                                                    15%

                   Exam #2                                                   15%

                   Exam #3                                                   15%

                   Final                                                         25%

                   Assignments                                            20%

                   In-class exercises                                      10%


The correspondence between numerical scores and letter grades will not be determined until the final exam, but a minimum of 50% is required to pass (D) the course.


Exams: Exams are closed-note and closed-book.  There are three in-class exams and one final exam scheduled.  The final exam will be comprehensive.  You are required to bring a calculator to each exam.  If you miss one of the exams, your grade for that exam will be ZERO.  Makeup exams will not be given except in extreme circumstances.  If you are not able to take an exam, you need to make arrangement with the instructor before the scheduled exam period.


                  Exam #1:    Monday, Sept. 28, in class

                  Exam #2:    Monday, Oct. 26, in class

                  Exam #3:    Monday, Nov. 23, in class

                  Final:          Monday, Dec. 14, 10:30 am


Cheating and Plagiarism:  Cheating and academic dishonesty are unacceptable.  Any work in which cheating is detected will be assigned a grade of ZERO, and may result in failing the course.  Any use of a cell phone or other electronic device during exams without the prior permission of the instructor will be considered cheating.  All work turned in for a grade must be your own.  No credit will be given for work that is not demonstrably your own.


Disabilities: In compliance with university policy, students with disabilities who require academic and/or auxiliary accommodations for this course must contact the Office for Student Disability Services in Downing University Center, A-200.   The phone number is 270-745-5004.  Please do not request accommodations directly from the instructor without a letter of accommodation from the Office for Student Disability Services.


Course Outline:  The course schedule is tentative and subject to change, if we need spend more time on some topics.  The exam dates are fixed and you are responsible for remembering these dates and bringing the necessary tools for the exams.


Week of Aug.31          Introduction (Chap. 1)

Week of Sept. 7          Waves and Vibrations (Chap. 2)

Week of Sept. 14        Sources of Sound (Chap. 3)

Week of Sept. 21        Sound Propagation (Chap. 4)

Week of Sept. 28       Exam #1 on Monday, Sept. 28

Week of Oct. 5            Sound Intensity and Its Measurement (Chap. 5)

Week of Oct. 12          The Human Ear (Chap. 6)

Week of Oct. 19          Musical Scales and Sound Spectra (Chap. 7 and 8)

Week of Oct. 26        Exam #2 on Monday, Oct. 26

Week of Nov. 2           Percussion and Natural Modes (Chap. 9)

Week of Nov. 9            String Instruments (Chap. 10 and 11)

Week of Nov. 16         Wind Instruments (Chap. 12 and 13)

Week of Nov. 23        Exam #3 on Monday, Nov. 23

Week of Nov. 30         The Human Voice (Chap. 14)

Week of Dec. 7           Room Acoustics (Chap. 15)

Week of Dec. 14         Final Exam on Dec. 14