Time Domain View

In this section we hope to describe how the voltage across a capacitor will behave in a circuit as a function of time.

In the simple case of a current source in series with a capacitor as shown to the right, the current would be constant and we would expect the voltage to increase at a constant rate since \(I=C\cdot\textrm{d}V/\textrm{d}t\).  A small current would create a voltage versus time that increased linearly with a small slope, and a larger current would result in a larger slope of \(V\) vs \(t\).  Such a waveform would be called a ramp.  The only problem is that current sources, especially ideal sources where the current is constant, are not that common.

Instead, we will consider the slightly harder case of a constant voltage source in series with a resistor and capacitor.

Here the voltage across the capacitor, labeled \(V_\textrm{out}\) in the above schematic, will approach the applied voltage (\(V_\textrm{in}\)), but at a rate that diminishes toward zero as the capacitor voltage reaches its maximum.

To analyze this circuit let’s assume that our device for measuring \(V_\textrm{out}\) doesn’t draw any current.  Then the current through the resistor and the current thru the capacitor will be the same.  Using Ohm’s law for the resistor we have

$$I_R = \frac{V_\textrm{in}-V_\textrm{out}}{R}.$$

for the current thru the resistor.  But the current thru the capacitor will be

$$I_C = C\frac{\textrm{d}V_\textrm{out}}{\textrm{d}t}.$$

Since these two expressions for current are equal we can equate these terms and rearrange slightly to obtain the following differential equation for \(V_\textrm{out}\)

$$V_\textrm{in}-V_\textrm{out} = RC \frac{\textrm{d}V_\textrm{out}}{\textrm{d}t}$$

Rearranging this as

$$V_\textrm{out} + RC \frac{\textrm{d}V_\textrm{out}}{\textrm{d}t} =V_\textrm{in}$$

reveals it to be a inhomogeneous, first-order, linear differential equation with constant coefficients.  This equation has a general solution


where we need to find \(A\) based upon the initial conditions.  To do this let’s consider the input voltage to be a square wave that switches off and on from 0 to some maximum \(V\) with a period \(T\).


First we consider the case when the output voltage is initially off \((V_\textrm{out}=0)\) and the input is switched on at \(t=0\) to \(V_\textrm{in}=V\).  If we apply these initial conditions we obtain


$$0 = V +Ae^0$$

leading to \(A=-V\).  Substituting this into the general solution gives a final result of


The product \(RC\) has units of \(\Omega\)F which reduces to seconds.  This product is commonly called the time constant for the circuit and is denoted with the symbol \(\tau = RC\).  The graph below shows the voltage across the capacitor in units of \(\tau\).  It shows that the voltage across the capacitor will have reached 63.2% of its maximum value after 1 time constant has elapsed and that the capacitor is essentially fully charged after about 5 time constants.



